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Top Tech Companies (22)

Energy • Utilities
Toronto, Ontario, CAN
1,053 Employees

It takes a network of professionals to plan and operate the power grid. The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) manages Ontario's power system, meeting Ontario's needs in real-time and by planning for the future. The IESO’s unique, challenging work environment attracts diverse, highly-educated professionals from engineering, business, finance, economics, information technology, law and social sciences. Follow the IESO to learn more about us and the people who work here. Explore the Careers page to hear from current employees and discover opportunities to be part of an energized, leading-edge team with excellent opportunities for growth and development.

Toronto, Ontario, CAN
16 Employees

Woodland Biofuels Inc. makes carbon negative renewable fuel and hydrogen at the lowest cost on the planet. Woodland’s technology uses waste biomass, not food, to generate low cost, carbon negative hydrogen, renewable natural gas, methanol or ethanol resulting in up to a 283% reduction in GHG emissions.

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