What Is End-to-End Encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a secure communication method that allows only the sender and intended recipient to access the contents of a message or file. Here’s how it works.

Written by Mitchell Telatnik
Published on Mar. 28, 2023
end-to-end encryption image of two padlocks sitting on either side of the picture. There is an ethernet cable tying them together.
Image: Built In / Shutterstock
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Encryption is a widely used method for securing data by making it unreadable to anyone who doesn’t have the decryption key. End-to-end encryption (E2EE) takes encryption to the next level by ensuring no third-party, including service providers or malicious actors, can access the communication’s content while it’s in transit.

End-to-End Encryption Defined

End-to-end encryption is an encryption architecture that encrypts the information on the source device (the sender) and keeps it encrypted until it reaches its intended recipient.

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How Does End-to-End Encryption Work?

First, the sender encrypts the data on their own device using a unique key that only the intended recipient can decrypt (known as a public key). This process ensures that the information is secure throughout its journey.


Public and Private Keys

Public and private keys are paired cryptographic keys we use to encrypt and decrypt data. Public keys are shared freely and used to encrypt data while private keys are kept secret and used to decrypt data. When a sender encrypts a message using a recipient’s public key, only the recipient with the corresponding private key can decrypt the message. This process ensures that only the intended recipient can access the communication’s contents.

Encryption algorithms, mathematical formulas we use to encrypt and decrypt data, are also an important part of encryption. These algorithms use complex mathematical functions to transform the original data into a form that’s inaccessible without the proper decryption key. The strength of an encryption algorithm depends on its complexity, the length of the key used and other factors.

How to Create an End-to-End Encryption

While the implementation of end-to-end encryption varies, we can break it down into these high-level steps:

  1. Generate public and private keys for each user or device involved in the communication.
  2. Each device exchanges their public keys with the devices they want to communicate with
  3. Each device encrypts the messages they send to another device with that device’s public key.
  4. When a recipient receives a message on their device, they decrypt the message with their private key.
  5. Some implementations of E2EE also include an integrity check, which verifies the contents of the message have not been altered during transit.

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How Is End-to-End Encryption Used?

End-to-end encryption is used in a variety of applications that require secure communication, including messaging services, credit card processing systems and email. By using E2EE, sensitive information like credit card numbers, medical records or confidential business documents can be transmitted safely from one party to another without the risk of interception or unauthorized access.

In messaging services and email, E2EE ensures that the message contents remain encrypted from the sender’s device until it reaches the receiver’s device, thereby protecting the privacy of the communication from service providers, advertisers and hackers. In credit card processing systems, E2EE helps prevent fraud by keeping the credit card information encrypted from the point of sale (POS) device to the payment processor.

End-to-End Encryption Explained. | Video: Blend Tech


Advantages of End-to-End Encryption

End-to-end encryption provides several advantages over other encryption methods. Firstly, the data remains encrypted throughout the entire journey, thereby ensuring that only the intended recipient can access the content. This makes E2EE an ideal solution for sensitive data transmission where data security is crucial.

E2EE also helps protect data privacy by preventing service providers and advertisers from accessing and using message contents for other purposes, such as targeted advertising.

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Disadvantages of End-to-End Encryption

While E2EE provides numerous benefits, it can also have some disadvantages. Implementing E2EE can be more complex than other encryption methods because it requires specialized software and technical expertise. Additionally, managing encryption keys can be challenging since losing or compromising the keys can result in the inability to access encrypted data.

Another disadvantage of E2EE is that it can limit some functionality, such as data analysis or processing, because the encrypted data is not easily accessible or searchable. Finally, E2EE can also make it harder for law enforcement agencies to access communications and data during criminal investigations.

Overall, E2EE is a powerful tool for protecting data privacy and security, but it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and risks before implementing it.

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End-to-End Encryption Example Application

Let’s say an online messaging service is currently not implementing end-to-end encryption. Instead, it uses a server-side encryption deployment. 

Currently, when Person A and Person B use the messaging service to chat, the messages are sent over the internet in plain text, which means anyone who intercepts the message while it is in transit can read it. When the message is received by the online messaging service, they encrypt it on the server but it’s only encrypted while at rest. 

The online messaging service decides to implement end-to-end encryption. Now, when Person A sends a message to Person B, the message is first encrypted on Person A’s device before they ever transmit it across the internet. In addition, that message stays encrypted throughout its entire journey until it reaches Person B’s device, at which point Person B will use their private key to decrypt it. 

In addition, because the online messaging service is never handling the plain-text message and does not have a copy of Person B’s private key, neither the messaging service nor any of their third-party affiliates can inspect or store the message’s contents.

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